General ETHDenver Security Best Practices

Drew Mailen
February 19, 2024
5 Min

General ETHDenver Security Best Practices

1. Avoid Public Networks

Do not connect to public Wi-Fi networks outside ETHDenver approved networks. Use a personal hotspot or tether to your smartphone via USB for internet access.

2. Beware of Free USB Dongles and CDs

Never use USB dongles or CDs at ETHDenver, as they may contain malware.

3. Erase Saved Wi-Fi Networks:

Before attending ETHDenver, remove all saved Wi-Fi networks from your devices to prevent automatic connections to potentially malicious networks.

4. Physically Secure Your Devices

Use port blockers or duct tape to secure your laptop's USB ports. Never leave devices unattended.

5. Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use to avoid unauthorized access and tracking.

6. Update and Patch Your Software

Ensure all your devices and applications are up-to-date with the latest security patches.

7. Delete Sensitive Information

Remove sensitive data you won't need from your devices during ETHDenver.

8. Use a Burner/YOLO Phone

Consider using a prepaid phone for ETHDenver to minimize data exposure.

9. Physical Security

Always keep your devices with you or securely store them in a safe.

Web3 and Blockchain-Specific Security Best Practices

1. Use a Fresh Wallet

Never interact with any contracts or blockchain services using a specific

wallet for the conference. This minimizes the risk to your primary assets.

2. Understand Smart Contract Transactions

Before signing any transactions, thoroughly review the functions you approve. Ensure you understand what permissions you're granting.

3. Secure Your Seed Phrase

Never share your wallet's seed phrase; ensure it's stored securely and not carried with you unnecessarily.

4. Use Hardware Wallets for Significant Transactions

Use a hardware wallet for any substantial transactions or interactions. This adds an extra layer of security.

5. Be Wary of Phishing Attempts

Be cautious of unsolicited messages or emails directing you to blockchain sites or asking for private keys or seed phrases.

6. Educate Yourself on Smart Contract Risks

Understand the common vulnerabilities and scams associated with smart contracts to recognize better and avoid them.

7. Network Security

Use a VPN in addition to your mobile hotspot for an added layer of security.

8. Social Engineering Awareness

Be aware of social engineering tactics to trick you into revealing sensitive information or making unauthorized transactions.