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How The Merge Enables Greater Innovation at the Consensus Layer

The merge, or in this context more aptly titled "the split" (since we have separated the CL and EL), enables developers to reuse production-ready components of the Eth1 stack (i.e. go-ethereum) and innovate at the consensus layer. We can utilize the Engine API to drive block production using different protocols such as PBFT, PoA or even PoW! In this presentation I will show how this is possible using Lighthouse, the Rust consensus client, as a library to interface with Geth and finalize blocks using Aura. We can also reuse the same (Eth2) encoding, storage and networking capabilities to reduce the initial development complexity. My dream would be to use this as basis for developing a toolkit similar to Substrate (now the Polkadot-SDK) for Ethereum developers to quickly get started with (L1) blockchain development using the EVM.
February 23, 2024
6:40 pm
Submarine Stage
Infrastructure & Scalability
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