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EIP-7543 Adding Decimal Float Math to the EVM

This EIP was submitted as part of ETHOnline 2023 and was chosen as a winner. In this talk, I would explain the EIP at a basic level to showcase the power behind it. It adds 7 opcodes for decimal math operations on the EVM, namely +,-,*,/,exp,ln,sin, which enables users to write numerical code as conveniently as many devs do in languages like Python. These changes invite the vast worlds of mathematical finance, machine learning, science, digital art and any other that needs numerical coding. Imagine the value this can add to Ethereum. Do integrations, differential equations, optimizations, linear algebra, etc. at user chosen precision. We never want to clutter the opcode space. The talk will explain why these 7 are sufficient and necessary to cover all practical numerical code.
February 23, 2024
4:35 pm
Neptune Stage
Impact & Public Goods


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